
Unleashed Magic. Secret Pasts. Hidden Worlds. Welcome to the Dark City.

My name’s Morgan Rook, Supernatural Detective, Undercover Agent, odd jobs man. Call it whatever you like.
I take out the nightmares, demons and werewolves. The things that lurk in the shadows around you.
Guys like us, we call them Nightkind.

And here I was, set to quit this dark life and retire to sunnier climes, except for one final job. There’s always one. This time a call to eliminate a cruel, rogue vampire, named Mr. Tudor. Simple right?

Sure. Until the bodies started piling up in a new wave of vicious occult killings leading scarily close to my own front door. Sparking a series of deadly events that would make my years of fighting the NightKind look like a cakewalk.

Two Worlds. Dark Magic Rising. The End Game.

Why is it always in the middle of the night? The call came in, an old friend, a harrowing problem and a fight to the death, literally. Then I found myself on a breakneck journey to a place I’d hoped I’d never have to see again. And that was before the real fireworks began.
Next up on the rollercoaster ride to hell; secret meetings, an occult hideout, and an army of the most sinister evil imaginable. And the battle to end all battles.

That was in this world, and it had nothing on what I was about to face in the next as I pursued my final enemy into the blackest of nights.